The Jewish Museum in Prague has a dozen sites including synagogues, a ceremonial hall, a cemetery .......... distributed in the district of Josefov. It is very rich in silver objects, religious vestments, pictures .........
Ironically, it was saved thanks to the Nazis who wanted to build a Jewish museum in order to centralize core anything related to Judaism, on the initiative of the wily K. Stein and colleagues who wanted to save the buildings confiscated from Jews or about to be. Although very motivated by very different notions of its authors, the Nazis accepted the project.

The Pinkas Synagogue. Ban except to photograph for a fee. Built in 1535 it was restored in 1992-96 and the names of 80,000 Jewish victims of Nazism (including posthumous) are inscribed on the walls and roof of the ground floor and basement.
the first floor an exhibition of drawings by children of Terezin 4000 depicting life before, during and after the camps for those who have returned. It is moving but does so with great restraint. There's a world for a visit !!!!!!!!!

We are in the room and mortuary ceremonies. It is a showroom of Jewish customs and traditions related death, disease, medicine Jews of Bohemia and Moravia and the activities of the Brotherhood of Last Duty.
I much regretted the ban on photographing in these places. The collection consists of paintings depicting scenes preparations for the burial of corpses, toilets, ceremonies, in a naive style and endearing detail and objects of everyday life in silver and glass: beer mugs, pens to follow the Torah , phylacteries ......... I could not take pictures. Sorry.

Leaving the old synagogue we enter the cemetery which adjoins it. The old Jewish cemetery in Prague founded in the 15th century although modest dimensions would include about 12,000 graves and maybe more. He served until 1787.

This apparent confusion is that the surface was still insufficient.

Small white dots are my ssage or prayers to the fallen. Orate Pronobis.

Push you please madam! thank you! Here
no supervisor! I take pictures!
no supervisor! I take pictures!
Despite successive enlargements of the surface was still insufficient. They were obliged to pile layers of earth constantly. It is therefore certain that there are several layers of graves and some graves were found at progressively.

Major characters in the Jewish life, rabbis, mayors cited the Jewish historian, s mathematicians, astronomer (David Gans) lie in this cemetery and their graves are noticed immediately.

In the rain the stones polished by time and wetlands are of great romance.
The rest of the building is a kind of church.
The facade of the English synagogue is not paying mine. We just take it even for a movie (I swear) if you are not careful. To find your way you will not miss the statue of Kafka. A distinction is part of the building in the background right.
What I liked:
- The richness of the collections exhibited.
- The sober testimonies that we save the pictures of atrocities usual. I think it is not worth to add more. We remember. And sincere apologies if I shock you.
What I disliked:
- bans photographing subject to toll. But hey! That's how the whole city!
- Each monument has a large transparent ballot box where one is asked to pay a penny for the preservation of sites. These urns are literally crammed with notes and coins came from the heavens and all latitudes. A real loot. And stickers "Israel You Are Not Alone" . Should not mix everything!

The rest of the building is a kind of church.

inside is worth the detour. Sure ban pictures.

I like this creation very Kafkaesque.
What I liked:
- The richness of the collections exhibited.
- The sober testimonies that we save the pictures of atrocities usual. I think it is not worth to add more. We remember. And sincere apologies if I shock you.
What I disliked:
- bans photographing subject to toll. But hey! That's how the whole city!
- Each monument has a large transparent ballot box where one is asked to pay a penny for the preservation of sites. These urns are literally crammed with notes and coins came from the heavens and all latitudes. A real loot. And stickers "Israel You Are Not Alone" . Should not mix everything!
Dis donc espèce d'enfoiré!!!!!!!!!!!!
ReplyDeletetu as copié la totalité d'un ou plusieurs articles de mon blog pour te l'approprier.
Tu t'embête pas!!!!
Http: // / search? Updated-max=2010-11-29T09:32:00%2B01:00 *max-results=28
je t'ordonne de retirer le texte que tu as traduit et les photos qui sont les miens, immédiatement. j'informe "BLOGGER" de ce vol de donnée et je surveillerai la mise en conformité.
Tu vas me dire que tu ne comprends pas le français. Alors je traduis.
Cependant comme tu as traduit mon texte je suis certain que tu comprends très bien ma langue.
hey you!!! kind of bastard!!
You copied a whole billof my blog and you appropriate it.
Http: // / search? Updated-max=2010-11-29T09:32:00%2B01:00 *max-results=28
I order you to remove this article at once to blog of the flight(theft) data and of images.
I shall watch the stake in conformity of your blog.
y a même la photo de ma femme.