January 3. 4am. Windows wide open, a cold wind violently caress me ... While the smoke invades my lungs and inevitably I drink to anonymous writings (or not ...) as poetic as addictive spilled on the Web. My thoughts runaway. The memories of the past year without any logic collide, just like the disordered events that gave them birth.
Joys intense. Tearing pains. Demons fleeing. Then return. Projects undertaken. Failures. Incredible successes. Everything seems so long ago already. Dating hallucinating. Friendships in smoke, carrying in their wake of regret that this will generate. Friendships become more than brotherly. Paris nights. Endless nights. Exquisite abuse. Slippages mismanaged. Insights, maturity, self-fulfillment. And the heart ... Sometimes broken. At other times simply uncontrollable. The astonishment, pride of place, the sweet incrudilité to succumb to reach an angel. See the fly. And this fleeting sensation that I burned pleasantly veins. Life.
Just finished it already go again. And to accompany the beginnings of a year that will further its share of surprises, contradictions, a singular voice. Some notes. A face I love. Pushed up the volume to lull my thoughts. Music that touches me simply. Jessica Lea Mayfield, kiss me again (new album coming in February).
Before leaving, do not forget to bring all my wishes for this new year ..
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